Roses - larger headed intermediate roses remain our core business. These break down into four distinct product groups: sprays, sweethearts, intermediates and t-hybrids. Taking into account our unique growing conditions, we have selected over 35 rose varieties in order to provide our customers with the widest possible choice of colours and bud-size.

Carnations are also grown indoors to ensure the consistent, year-round supply of even quality flowers. Numerous varieties of both standard (single-bloom) and spray (multi-bloom) carnations provide the variety to meet the colour mix requirements of markets ranging from the Dutch auctions and European supermarkets.

We are also producing a wide range of commercial crops including zantedeschia (calla) lilies, oriental lilies, solidago, veronica, gypsophilla, trachelium and various greens for bouquet fillers. Our professional growers are constantly trialling new varieties and different crops, including asclepia and gerbera, in order to record performance in preparation for potential commercial development.

Thanks to the extensive variety of flowers produced at Neptune we have developed a successful “Packed at Source” bouquet business where we work closely with qualified bouquet designers in order to produce fresh bouquets in Kenya which are sleeved, packed, bar-coded , priced and shelf-ready on departure from the farm.


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